The tool to fetch data isn't being run on your submit node but instead on the cluster, which is the problem. 

It's a fairly easy to solve problem:
Something like this (untested, probably invalid xml... )

<plugins workers="4">
  <plugin id="local" type="runner" load="" />
  <!-- your torque runner here -->
<destinations default="cluster">
  <destination id="local" runner="local">
  <!-- your cluster dest here -->

  <!-- we force the upload tool to the local job runner, thereby bypassing the issue of internet access on the cluster nodes -->
  <tool id="upload1" destination="local" />


2015-01-22 13:51 GMT-06:00 Fernandez Edgar <>:

Hello gents,


I started this new thread because I have a showstopper for my installation of galaxy.

Here’s my situation:

1.       I have a galaxy server that has internet access.

2.       My galaxy server is also my torque server and my only torque submit node.

3.       I have three torque compute nodes that DOESN’T have internet access.


Now, I’ve tried uploading a file (larger than 2Gb) via and URL and it fails.

However, I’ve added my galaxy server as a compute node and re-tried to upload the same file and I made sure the job will run on that machine and it works.


Now, my compute nodes are in a network that is completely protected from the outside world.

So no internet access.


What are my option in this case?


Cordialement / Regards,


Edgar Fernandez

System Administrator (Linux)

Direction Générale des Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication

(  Bur. : 1-514-343-6111 poste 16568


Université de Montréal



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Eric Rasche
Programmer II

Center for Phage Technology
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Texas A&M University
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