Not to be ungrateful for the hard work you guys are all doing and please don't get this the wrong way, but is there any QA that is being done on the galaxy-dist when it is being released? I have been a QA manager and I know how hard it is to test UI, but the last few releases on galaxy-dist have been rather broken in one way or another and for a production server this is scary...I am trying to get more people to use galaxy in my organization, but I am hesitant since there are so many simple things that are broken with every release...

I know I should do my own QA before I install galaxy-dist on a production server, but I was sorta hoping that the whole reason for galaxy-dev and galaxy-dist was to have a test bed for any fixed in galaxy-dev, so when it was time for a production version for galaxy-dist, it would at least been tested a few weeks...

Maybe its an idea to install galaxy-dist on the main galaxy server for a few weeks, before releasing it to the public so we know it has been running and stable...

Again...I know we are dealing with opensource and free software and it has been very valuable to me and my organization. I have been happily testing and reporting each release when I was just running it for my self, but since every release I got was broken in one way or another, I had to get the next galaxy-dist just to be able to run my tests, let alone be able to release it to a larger audience....

Maybe its time for a more formal release policy of galaxy-dist (other than me just waiting for bug reports before getting it)?


A very grateful Thon...

On Jan 17, 2013, at 05:23 AM, Jeremy Goecks <> wrote:

This has been fixed in -central and will be available in the next Galaxy distribution.


On Jan 16, 2013, at 10:02 PM, Anthonius deBoer wrote:


Tried to remove a trackster visualization in the latest galaxy-dist and got this error:

Error Traceback:

View as:   Interactive  |  Text  |  XML (full)
 NameError: global name 'util' is not defined
URL: http://srv151/visualization/list?f-sharing=All&sort=-update_time&f-tags=All&operation=Delete&f-title=All&id=f2db41e1fa331b3e
Module weberror.evalexception.middleware:364 in respond          view
>>  app_iter = self.application(environ, detect_start_response)
Module paste.debug.prints:98 in __call__          view
>>  environ,
Module paste.wsgilib:539 in intercept_output          view
>>  app_iter = application(environ, replacement_start_response)
Module paste.recursive:80 in __call__          view
>>  return self.application(environ, start_response)
Module galaxy.web.framework.middleware.remoteuser:91 in __call__          view
>>  return environ, start_response )
Module paste.httpexceptions:632 in __call__          view
>>  return self.application(environ, start_response)
Module galaxy.web.framework.base:160 in __call__          view
>>  body = method( trans, **kwargs )
Module galaxy.web.framework:94 in decorator          view
>>  return func( self, trans, *args, **kwargs )
Module galaxy.webapps.galaxy.controllers.visualization:320 in list          view
>>  ids = util.listify( kwargs['id'] )
NameError: global name 'util' is not defined

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