Hi Marcel, On Nov 15, 2011, at 5:06 PM, Marcel Schumann wrote:
Hi Greg,
wonderful, thanks a lot! I actually had a look at the Galaxy tool shed a few hours ago, saw the few http-upload option and used it. It worked well, no problems there.
But there are indeed two other small issues that I encountered after this: -- Changing the tool-suite synopsis does not work anymore. I tried to change it in order to reflect the new version number, but after saving the changes, the page still shows the old version-number (i.e. the old synopsis).
I am not able to reproduce this problem, assuming you changed the values in either the name, synopsis or detailed description fields on the "Manage repository" page in the tool shed like the screen capture here. Can you clarify that this is what you are trying to do?
-- Selecting an old repository revision and then using "Browse or delete files" will result in the list of files that are in the current revision of the repository. However, downloading works correctly; that is, if you select an old revision, you will really download the old version ...
This is by design. Although you can preview tools, inspect tool metadata, data types, etc for older repository revisions, you can browse files contents and delete selected files only within the repository tip. I've made this more clear by changing the "Browse or delete repository files" to now be "Browse or delete repository tip files". The intent here is to make it easy to maintain the latest revision of the repository within the tool shed UI by enabling you to upload new files to the repository tip or delete selected files from the repository tip. This assumes you are not making changes to old versions of your tools and wanting to make them available in the tool shed. In order to push updates of old versions of your tools to the tool shed, you'll have to create a different tool shed repository for each version of your tools.
Thanks & best regards, Marcel
Greg Von Kuster Galaxy Development Team greg@bx.psu.edu