On Mon, Mar 19, 2012 at 1:28 PM, Greg Von Kuster <greg@bx.psu.edu> wrote:
Hi Peter,
Here is the error produced by attempting to load the hmmr.xml tool config into the tool shed. With regard to tool validity, the definition of a valid tool in the tool shed has always been restricted to the tool properly loading in a Galaxy instance. If a tool is not valid, it will not be returned in a search and it cannot be automatically installed (unless it belongs to a repository containing other valid tools). I'll consider ways to list invalid tools contained in repositories in the tool shed, but the preference is for tool developers to share only valid tools, or the value of the tool shed will be significantly diminished over time. Filtering out files that actually are not tools from a list of invalid tools could become a bit messy.
I see - I hope you can make some improvements for browsing the tool shed for this kind of situation. Thanks for confirming there was something the Tool Shed didn't like in hmmer.xml (missing a hmmdb.loc.sample file). For the tool uploader (in this case Edward) that kind of error is very helpful. Peter