Hello everyone
I tried a galaxy update on my development instance of galaxy. It failed due to a schema change coupled with a mysql version change. Don’t worry about why it failed – that has been resolved.
I have a backup copy of the database that I restored, which was based on schema 118. I issued a “hg update *revision*” to revert back to a code base using the 118 schema. I verified that the model folder now only contains up to
118_....py. When I try to start galaxy, it tells me that the code requires schema 120 and that I should upgrade using db_manage.sh. I tried running “db_manage.sh downgrade 118” but since the database is already v118, it just exists without any output. What
am I doing wrong?
Iyad Kandalaft
Bioinformatics Application Developer
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada | Agriculture et Agroalimentaire Canada
KW Neatby Bldg | éd. KW Neatby
960 Carling Ave| 960, avenue Carling
Ottawa, ON | Ottawa (ON) K1A 0C6
E-mail Address / Adresse courriel: Iyad.Kandalaft@agr.gc.ca
Telephone | Téléphone 613- 759-1228
Facsimile | Télécopieur 613-759-1701
Government of Canada | Gouvernement du Canada