Hi John, Alex, All,
Elaborating on the motivation behind my question of running tools within tool. First, running a tool in parallel at large-scale. For example, if I need to find a pattern from 1000 files via Galaxy Select tool from Text and Filter tool-group, I am limited by providing one file at a time to the tool which will take a long time to finish. Please correct me if there is a more sophisticated way to approach this problem. Second, related concern is running a tool in parallel on one or more HPC resources.
We want to write a generic wrapper Galaxy tool, powered by Swift parallel framework such that it can run any arbitrary Galaxy tool in parallel on HPC resources. Currently, we have developed this capability but for external executables which is not a most secure way of using Galaxy as I understand from previous conversation.
Having such a wrapper tool in a standard way is desirable so that it preserves the tool contract and binding within Galaxy environment. That is maintaining the history and metadata conventions of Galaxy.