Hi Matthias, conda-build only supported 80 chars limit for a long time. This has fixed and all new packages don't have this problem. So hopefully this PR will fix it: https://github.com/bioconda/bioconda-recipes/pull/5912 Cheers, bjeorn On 31.08.2017 17:19, Matthias Bernt wrote:
Dear list,
When running rmarkdown_wgcna I get the following error in the logs:
PaddingError: Placeholder of length '80' too short in package bioconda::r-wgcna-1.51-r3.3.1_0. The package must be rebuilt with conda-build > 2.0.
The command that seems to lead to this is:
Executing command: /gpfs1/data/galaxy_server/galaxy-dev/database/dependencies/_conda/bin/conda create -y --name mulled-v1-3bfe8da4ed798836281cc963619917 317ae960c9a828f7ea05d1670c65b19619 pandoc= r-getopt=1.20.0 r-rmarkdown=1.2 r-plyr=1.8.4 r-highcharter=0.4.0 r-dt=0.2 r-htmltools=0.3.5 r-wgcna=1.51
Any ideas?
Best, Matthias