26 May
26 May
3:14 p.m.
"Lower case letters" ! I totally missed it... even I don't read those warnings sometimes (and I get upset when my users don't read the messages ;) ). Perhaps it would be friendlier to silently convert the public name into all lower case and skip this hassle... On 05/26/2010 03:56 PM, Ramkrishna Chakrabarty wrote:
On May 26, 2010, at 3:34 PM, Assaf Gordon wrote:
4. change the public name to: ThisIsAValidPubLicName
5. Click "submit" you'll still get a red warning about an invalid user name.
The public user name needs to have "... lower-case letters, numbers and '-'". Try resubmitting with a public user name containing all lowercase letters.