Hi all I am in the process of upgrading our servers to 18.05. And I have encountered an issue with the Visualization tool "Scatterplot, Creates a 2D-scatterplot from tabular datapoints" I am starting with a simple bed file for chromosome 15 (downloaded with UCSC table browser tool). When I click on the Visualization icon, followed by "Scatterplot", I end up with an near empty page. I only get the title: Scatterplot of 'UCSC Main on Human: ncbiRefSeq (chr15:20010162-22868384)' UCSC Main on Human: ncbiRefSeq (chr15:20010162-22868384) This happens with our development server (after being upgraded from 17.09). It is the same using a new clone of 18.05 code. It also happens on usegalaxy.eu but it does work on usegalaxy.org As a side note: on usegalaxy.org, each visualization has its little icon (see: 'usegalaxy.org.png'), while on usegalaxy.eu, each visualization just has an eye (see: 'usegalaxy.eu.png') I hope there is an easy fix for this.... Regards, Hans-Rudolf -- Hans-Rudolf Hotz, PhD Bioinformatics Support Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research Maulbeerstrasse 66 4058 Basel/Switzerland