Hello Ping If you're using the YAML config then there isn't an equivalent of the "[filter:proxy-prefix]" section from the INI version of the config - this section doesn't seem to be required any more. So the two lines you already have in the 'galaxy' section of the YAML file should be sufficient i.e. galaxy: #... filter-with: proxy-prefix cookie_path: '/galaxy' However you also need to make sure that you have the correct options in the 'uwsgi' section of the YAML config file, and that your Apache configuration is set correctly to handle the proxy prefix. The relevant documentation for these is here (for 18.09): https://docs.galaxyproject.org/en/release_18.09/admin/apache.html#serving-ga... HTH Best wishes Peter -- Peter Briggs peter.briggs@manchester.ac.uk Bioinformatics Core Facility University of Manchester B.1083 Michael Smith Bldg Tel: (0161) 2751482 ________________________________ From: galaxy-dev [galaxy-dev-bounces@lists.galaxyproject.org] on behalf of Ping Luo [luop0812@gmail.com] Sent: Wednesday, December 12, 2018 6:35 AM To: galaxy-dev Subject: [galaxy-dev] how to configure sub-uri in galaxy.yml I am trying to configure Galaxy v18.09 wtih sub-uri. In prior 18.01, I use this configuration in conjunction with Apache rewrite rules and it works well: [filter:proxy-prefix] use = egg:PasteDeploy#prefix prefix = /msgalaxy [app:main] filter-with = proxy-prefix cookie_path = '/galaxy' In galaxy.yml, I know I need to uncomment and add the following filter-with: proxy-prefix cookie_path: '/galaxy' However, I don't know where and how to add filter:proxy-prefix. The comment in config.yml says: # If running behind a proxy server and Galaxy is served from a # subdirectory, enable the proxy-prefix filter and set the prefix in # the [filter:proxy-prefix] section above. which is for galaxy.ini file. An example on how to do it would be much appreciated. Ping