Hi, I work myself through the job_conf.xml and have a question: a) In your advanced example you have: <destination id="remote_cluster" runner="drmaa" tags="longjobs"/> <destination id="real_user_cluster" runner="drmaa"> <!-- TODO: The real user options should maybe not be considered runner params. --> <param id="galaxy_external_runjob_script">scripts/drmaa_external_runner.py</param> <param id="galaxy_external_killjob_script">scripts/drmaa_external_killer.py</param> <param id="galaxy_external_chown_script">scripts/external_chown_script.py</param> </destination> Does this mean that remote_cluster jobs can not be killed unless I add the 3 scripts to this destination? Or does this have to do with the "run jobs as real user" that I don't need currently. I am using the galaxy user for all jobs for the moment? To phrase this differently: Do I need these three scripts? b) Can I set a wall time limit for only for my local runners? like: <destination id="local" runner="local"/> <param id="Resource_List">walltime=72:00:00</param> </destination> When I set it in limits, will it work for local runners and then I have to override it in every destination? thank you very much, ido