Hi Galaxy team ! I'am trying to remove userless histories from my galaxy database as mentoned in this link ( by using the command above : python cleanup_datasets.py universe_wsgi.ini -d 60 -1 However I get an error message like this : File "cleanup_datasets.py", line 13, in <module> from galaxy import eggs ImportError: No module named galaxy Although I set cleanup_job = never in my Galaxy config and check the PBS script like mentioned in the mailing list discussions as above , i have always the same problem of galaxy module : GALAXY_LIB="/path/to/galaxy-dist/lib" if [ "$GALAXY_LIB" != "None" ]; then if [ -n "$PYTHONPATH" ]; then export PYTHONPATH="$GALAXY_LIB:$PYTHONPATH" else export PYTHONPATH="$GALAXY_LIB" fi fi Could someone help me please ! Thanks Amine