
I continue to see this error in the logs, every time a jobs finishes:

galaxy.objectstore CRITICAL 2013-01-30 11:42:14,161 /mnt/ngs/analysis/svcgalaxy/DATA/job_working_directory/000/327 delete
error [Errno 39] Directory not empty: '/mnt/ngs/analysis/svcgalaxy/DATA/job_working_directory/000/327'

When I check the directory, it is of course empty:

$ls -la /mnt/ngs/analysis/svcgalaxy/DATA/job_working_directory/000/327
total 68
drwxrwsr-x   2 svcgalaxy Domain Linux Users    0 Jan 30 11:42 .
drwxrwsr-x 283 svcgalaxy Domain Linux Users 5793 Jan 30 11:45 .. 

Any ideas why this keeps happening?
I end up with thousands of directories in the working directories which I need to clean out manually now...

