Hi there!

Recently, I modified a Galaxy-intended velvet script so that the user would be able to put in his/her desired output directory ( the original script does not allow this). I just used a text box so as to ask for the output directory path (e.g. /home/galaxy/outputFolder). Then I just let Perl do the rest. Maybe in your case, you could just ask for the input and output directory paths. Then maybe you could just generate a text file that logs the end status of the process (i.e. whether it has been successful or not). This text file would be the one that shows up in your history.




A co-worker has a perl script that takes a directory path, and then
interates over a the file in that directory and processes them into an
output directory.
I want to integrate that into galaxy. I've figured out that I'll need
to create a tool XML conf with the inputs , outputs etc.

My question is what param type should I use for a directory, in the
input and output ? Or maybe what I'm looking for a is an input, output
type that is a set of file (rather than tying it to a filesystem)

Sorry for my beginners questions !

