I see you are looking in the main toolshed. I cant speak for fcarmia's one but it doesn't do any dependency installation. The 'digital_dge' one was deprecated - I've now deleted it.
The differential count models package in the statistics section of the test toolshed -
http://testtoolshed.g2.bx.psu.edu/view/fubar/differential_count_models is ready for testing so if you have time, please try it. It installs all dependencies including R and bioconductor automatically. Installation through the galaxy admin interface should work automatically but be warned - it takes a very long time to install all the dependencies including compiling R and installing Bioconductor. You will need to generate count matrices from bam files - there's an htseq_bams_to_count_matrix tool to do that which also installs all dependencies - also in the statistics section.