Hello all, I am trying to do the production server setup of galaxy and was finally succesfull in using mysql instead of sqlight. I am facing difficulties in configuring the proxy/apache part though. I followed the wiki but no luck. I do not have any other sites on that machine but I was hoping to either: use www.domain.nl/galaxy<http://www.domain.nl/galaxy> or www.domain.nl:8080<http://www.domain.nl:8080/> to point to the galaxy using apache and proxy.... that would leave the possibility to have www.domain.nl<http://www.domain.nl/> and/or www.domain.nl/other_sites<http://www.domain.nl/other_sites> to still be used. My www is at default /var/www Galaxy is in /opt/galaxy mod-rewrite is installed and enabled even as the proxy parts made the suggested modifictions to universe_wsgi.ini (unsure on the server= or part and the part dealing with the setting of the static part... should that be True or False. I would say False. Just to be sure: galaxy must be started using its own galaxy system user right? Apache2 is working fine (on ubuntu maverick server) and the www.domain.nl<http://www.domain.nl/> site incl PHP is working. Also www.domain.nl/phpmyadmin<http://www.domain.nl/phpmyadmin> is fully functional.... I'm puzzled... Any help/direction is appreciated. Or a working example of the universe_wsgi.ini and other config files would be very helpful! Alex