Tiny bug: When viewing a file inside a tarball, the content-type is forced to "text/plain". Works for most files, but not with image files (example: the "Sequence Logo" tool has a jpg image in the tarball, the browser will display it as text/plain with binary characters). This is done in "./lib/galaxy/webapps/community/controllers/tool.py", function "view_tool_file", line 206: trans.response.set_content_type( 'text/plain' ) regardless of the file type. The complicated solution would be to use the "mimetype" library (http://docs.python.org/library/mimetypes.html) or python-magic (https://github.com/ahupp/python-magic), but a simpler workaround would be to just check the file name for "jpg/png/gif" extensions and change the content-type appropriately. Feature request: A way to easily link to tools, so I can send to them to other people or point them in the right direction. Example: Ross's Web logo tool (great tool, BTW), If I want to tell where it is, the link is: http://community.g2.bx.psu.edu/tool/browse_tools?sort=name&f-state=approved&webapp=community&operation=view_tool&id=c2f60f4c1895f3ac or direct downloading the tarball is: http://community.g2.bx.psu.edu/common/download_tool?cntrller=tool&id=c2f60f4c1895f3ac Both are probably not stable links (if a new version is uploaded). -gordon