I have the following job_conf.xml file setup for our cluster: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=0uNhcVJk

When running jobs from my admin account via Galaxy it runs under the same user as galaxy is, for testing, this as root. I need for it to run under the real user.

The email address / galaxy account I am using to test with does match with a user on the cluster -- user@example.com where user is a valid user account with correct permissions to run jobs on our cluster and queue.

I followed the information here: http://wiki.galaxyproject.org/Admin/Config/Performance/Cluster#Submitting_Jobs_as_the_Real_User

Any ideas as to why galaxy_external* is not being called? The paster.log file does not show anything useful regarding calling external scripts.

Adam Brenner
Computer Science, Undergraduate Student
Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences

Research Computing Support
Office of Information Technology

University of California, Irvine