Hi Galaxy devs, We're deploying Galaxy on the Michigan State HPCC and doing it as a hack-a-thon today. Our authentication is Shibboleth and our scheduler is Torque/Moab, and we're setting it up with 'run as user' with a shared file space /mnt/research/galaxy To set up we've installed base images, set up firewall rules and set up the authentication for Galaxy We're documenting and communicating with a HipChat channel www.hipchat.com/gOY4xLgfb that anyone can join. and some live Tweets #msugalaxy If anyone wants to hop in the room during the day, we'd be happy for comments, feedback or just general camaraderie. We're already really grateful for the Galaxy docs and dev community, and we probably will have some questions that we'll post to the list during the day as well. Hopefully by the end we'll have some useful perspective for getting Galaxy up on an HPCC system like ours that we can share with others too. We're excited to get Galaxy up and running on our cluster! Best, -Tracy ---- Tracy K. Teal tkteal@msu.edu Research Specialist Institute for Cyber Enabled Research Michigan State University