Hello, this is a feature that some of my users requested: the ability to easily re-run a job (or at least see the parameters that were used to create a specific dataset). This patch adds a 're-run' link (next to the 'save' link). The link is encoded in a way to trick the 'tool_runner' controller into displaying the tool-form with the parameters already initialized. The encoded URL looks like: http://localhost:8080/tool_runner?tool_id=addValue&dbkey=%3F&exp=143&input=2&iterate=yes&tool_state=800255ad656562346437643063633235303139616632363666336663343331613564633066343236353634373a37623232356635663730363136373635356635663232336132303330326332303232363936653730373537343232336132303232333332323263323032323635373837303232336132303232356332323331356332323232326332303232363937343635373236313734363532323361323032323563323236653666356332323232376471002e&chromInfo=%2Fhome%2Fgordon%2Ftemp%2Fgalaxy7%2Ftool-data%2Fshared%2Fucsc%2Fchrom%2F%3F.len This is just a proof of concept, and there are many problems with it (one is that conditionals/grouping don't work) and many possible improvements. The code itself is a hodge-podge of lines copied from different classes... (not be best example of python code). I'm sure there's a better why to do it, because constructing a workflow from a history is basically the same thing, but I don't understand the galaxy code good enough for that. Comments are welcomed, -gordon.