Dear galaxy developers,

We have tried today to upgrade our proftpd configuration to make uploading for our galaxy users possible again, both for users with "old" as well as "new" style hashed passwords. We upgraded proftpd on the server to 1.3.5rc3 and have the following SQL part in our configuration file based on the post of

SQLEngine               on
SQLLogFile              /var/log/proftpd-sql.log
SQLBackend              postgres
SQLConnectInfo          galaxy@localhost:5840 galaxyftp <[ourpassword]>
SQLAuthTypes            SHA1 SHA256 PBKDF2
SQLPasswordPBKDF2    SHA256 1000 24 
SQLPasswordUserSalt    sql:/GetUserSalt 
SQLAuthenticate         users
SQLDefaultUID           108
SQLDefaultGID           116
SQLDefaultHomedir       /opt/cloudman/pkg/proftpd/var
SQLUserInfo             custom:/LookupGalaxyUser
SQLNamedQuery LookupGalaxyUser  SELECT "email, (CASE WHEN substring(password from 1 for 6) = 'PBKDF2' THEN substring(password from 38 for 32) ELSE password END) AS password2,'108','116','/mnt/galaxyData/tmp/ftp/%U','/bin/bash' FROM galaxy_user WHERE email='%U'"
SQLNamedQuery GetUserSalt SELECT "(CASE WHEN SUBSTRING (password from 1 for 6) = 'PBKDF2' THEN SUBSTRING (password from 21 for 16) END) AS salt FROM galaxy_user WHERE email='%U'" 

We have executed the LookupGalaxyUser and GetUserSalt commands manually, and the results look good. Now, old users can login via ftp, but for a new user, the authentication still fails:

2013-07-26 13:15:06,989 mod_sql/4.3[31761]: >>> cmd_check
2013-07-26 13:15:06,989 mod_sql/4.3[31761]: checking password using SQLAuthType 'sha1'
2013-07-26 13:15:06,989 mod_sql/4.3[31761]: 'sha1' SQLAuthType handler reports failure
2013-07-26 13:15:06,989 mod_sql/4.3[31761]: checking password using SQLAuthType 'pbkdf2'
2013-07-26 13:15:06,993 mod_sql/4.3[31761]: 'pbkdf2' SQLAuthType handler reports failure

What are we missing?


Rob and Leon

Hailiang (Leon) Mei
Netherlands Bioinformatics Center  
BioAssist NGS Taskforce
Skype: leon_mei    Mobile: +31 6 41709231