Hi All, I have been able to workaround the problem I was having by modifying the LAJ_code.py to include 'and data != None' on each of the elif statements. i.e. if name == "maf_input": params["alignfile1"] = "display?id=%s" % data.id elif name == "seq_file1" and data != None and data.state == data.states.OK and data.has_data(): params["file1seq1"] = "display?id=%s" % data.id elif name == "seq_file2" and data != None and data.state == data.states.OK and data.has_data(): params["file1seq2"] = "display?id=%s" % data.id elif name == "exonfile" and data != None and data.state == data.states.OK and data.has_data(): params["exonfile"] = "display?id=%s" % data.id elif name == "repeatfile" and data != None and data.state == data.states.OK and data.has_data(): params["repeatfile"] = "display?id=%s" % data.id elif name == "annotationfile" and data != None and data.state == data.states.OK and data.has_data(): params["annotationfile"] = "display?id=%s" % data.id elif name == "underlayfile" and data != None and data.state == data.states.OK and data.has_data(): params["underlayfile"] = "display?id=%s" % data.id elif name == "highlightfile" and data != None and data.state == data.states.OK and data.has_data(): params["highlightfile"] = "display?id=%s" % data.id For some reason, even though repeatfile is optional the script always thinks that a file has been selected, even when one has not. Hence data is equal to None and it throws a 'nonetype has no attribute state' error when it checks data.state==data.states.OK. Could a developer please look into why it would think a file for the option repeatfile had been selected when one hasn't. Cheers, -- Jason Ellul Bioinformatician Cancer Research Division Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre TEL: +61 3 9656 1512 FAX: +61 3 9656 1411 EMAIL: jason.ellul@petermac.org Address: St Andrew's Place East Melbourne Victoria 3002 Australia Postal Address: Locked Bag No. 1 A'Beckett St., Victoria, 8006, Australia This email (including any attachments or links) may contain confidential and/or legally privileged information and is intended only to be read or used by the addressee. If you are not the intended addressee, any use, distribution, disclosure or copying of this email is strictly prohibited. Confidentiality and legal privilege attached to this email (including any attachments) are not waived or lost by reason of its mistaken delivery to you. If you have received this email in error, please delete it and notify us immediately by telephone or email. Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre provides no guarantee that this transmission is free of virus or that it has not been intercepted or altered and will not be liable for any delay in its receipt.