I am currently investigating if Galaxy Cloudman can help us in analyzing large NGS datasets.
I was first impressed by the simple setup, the autoscaling and useability of Galaxy Cloudman but soon ran into the EBS limit of 1 TB L
I thought to be clever and umounted the /mnt/galaxyData EBS volume, created a logical volume of 2 TB and remounted this volume to /mnt/galaxyData.
All is green as you can see from the picture below but running a tool is not possible since Galaxy is not configured to work with logical volume I assume.
It is truly a waste having this fine setup (autoscaling) but this is not useable if there is not enough storage ?
Does anybody has experience with this ? Tips, tricks …
Kind Regards
Yves Wetzels
Contractor on behalf of
Turnhoutseweg 30
B-2340-Beerse, Belgium
Phone 32 (0)14/ 60 7181