Hi Galaxy dev,

My setup is a bit non-standard, but I'm getting the following error:
galaxy.jobs.runners.pbs WARNING 2013-04-04 13:24:00,590 (75) pbs_submit failed (try 1/5), PBS error 15044: Resources temporarily unavailable

Here is my setup:
Torque3 is installed in /usr/local/bin and I can use it to connect with (Default) server1.
Torque4 is installed in /N/soft/ and I can use it to connect to server2.

I'm running trq_authd so torque4 should work.
I can submit jobs to both servers from the command line. For server2, I specify the path to qsub and the servername (-q batch@server2).

In Galaxy, I used torquelib_dir=/N/soft to scramble pbs_python.
My path is pointing at /N/soft first so 'which qsub' returns torque4.
If I just use pbs:///, it will submit a job to server1 (shouldn't work, because /N/soft/qsub doesn't work from the commandline, since the default server1 is running torque3).
If I use pbs://-l vmem=100mb,walltime=00:30:00/, it won't work (the server string in pbs.py becomes "-l vmem=100mb,walltime=00:30:00" intsead of "server1")
If I use pbs://server2/, I get the Resources temp unavail error above. The server string is server2, and I put the following in pbs.py:
        whichq = os.popen("which qsub").read()
        stats = os.popen("qstat @server2").read()
These return the correct values for server2 using the correct torque version4.

I'm stumped as to why this is not making the connection. It's probably something about the python implementation I'm overlooking.

Thanks for any advice,

Carrie Ganote