Hi, I had a small issue with the total usage of my galaxy system showing some negative random number so I figured my database was a little “off”. I snooped around for some database management tools and found “manage_db.sh” which had an option innocently called “test”. I ran it, without reading the little fine print that states: “Performs the upgrade and downgrade option on the given database. This is not a real test and may leave the database in a bad state. You should therefore better run the test on a copy of your database.” Well…It surely did leave my database in a bad state since now I get this when I try to access the toolshed installed tools: Error Traceback: View as: <http://srv151/admin_toolshed/browse_repositories> Interactive | <http://srv151/admin_toolshed/browse_repositories> Text | <http://srv151/admin_toolshed/browse_repositories> XML <http://srv151/admin_toolshed/browse_repositories> (full) ⇝ ProgrammingError: (ProgrammingError) relation "repository_repository_dependency_association" does not exist LINE 2: FROM repository_repository_dependency_association ^ 'SELECT repository_repository_dependency_association.id AS repository_repository_dependency_association_id, repository_repository_dependency_association.create_time AS repository_repository_dependency_association_create_time, repository_repository_dependency_association.update_time AS repository_repository_dependency_association_update_time, repository_repository_dependency_association.tool_shed_repository_id AS repository_repository_dependency_association_tool_shed_re_1, repository_repository_dependency_association.repository_dependency_id AS repository_repository_dependency_association_repository_d_2 \nFROM repository_repository_dependency_association \nWHERE %(param_1)s = repository_repository_dependency_association.tool_shed_repository_id' {'param_1': 5} URL: <http://srv151/admin_toolshed/browse_repositories> http://srv151/admin_toolshed/browse_repositories Is there ANY way I can rescue this fiasco? Suffice it to say I did not do it on a copy and did not do a backup (yes, I learned my lesson), but maybe some SQL skullduggery can help me? Thanks Thon