Dear Galaxy-Devs,
I am currently developing a tool/workflow based on KNIME platform for data analysis. The plan is for my group to publish this tool at some point and we decided that Galaxy might be a very good platform to base it on. Galaxy could simply run KNIME on a server (along with R script inside the KNIME workflow) and serve the output files to the user.
However, I am quite new to the Docker concept and I am not sure if I get it right. Do you think I could take the Galaxy Docker image ( and edit the container so it would also contain KNIME and R with our workflow ?
This way I would like to obtain a Docker container that would have both this Galaxy version plus our tools and that could be simply moved to another machine to show, say, to my boss or deploy on a server for testing ?
From the webpage I got the feeling that those docker images an non-editable, is that right ?
I would be very thankful for helping me with the first steps!
All the best,