For some odd reason, when I try to import data using the URL http://localhost:8081 or http://localhost:8081/galaxy none of my jobs will even show up.  However if I go to or the jobs run fine.  Here’s a snip from my httpd.conf file:


RewriteEngine on

RewriteRule ^/static/style/(.*) /usr/local/galaxy-dist/static/june_2007_style/blue/$1 [L]

RewriteRule ^/static/scripts/(.*) /usr/local/galaxy-dist/static/scripts/packed/$1 [L]

RewriteRule ^/static/(.*) /usr/local/galaxy-dist/static/$1 [L]

RewriteRule ^/favicon.ico /usr/local/galaxy-dist/static/favicon.ico [L]

RewriteRule ^/robots.txt /usr/local/galaxy-dist/static/robots.txt [L]

RewriteRule ^(.*) http://localhost:8081$1 [P]


The host lines are commented out in my universe_wsgi.ini files, so I’m guessing they should be set to the default “localhost.” 


~ Brian