Marina Gourtovaia wrote:
In a bash shell, I define the path (needed both by Galaxy to find the right version of python and by tools that run on a cluster to find the executables) and some other global variables on the command line. The cluster jobs (LSF) inherit all these values. This is my line
DRMAA_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lsf/7.0/linux2.6-glibc2.3-x86_64/lib/libdrmaa.so.1.0.4 PATH=/usr/bin:/software/solexa/bin:$PATH http_proxy="http://somecache:3128" sh run.sh
Is there anything inherently wrong with this simple solution?
No, this is effectively what we do to start the server. The only difference is that when using PBS the environment is not passed through to the cluster. Is that a feature specific to LSF? --nate
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