Hello, I have installed an instance of Galaxy on our server. I configured it to run the jobs on our cluster (SGE). Everything works just fine. I can run NGS jobs that run on our cluster nodes and return results to Galaxy. But, sometimes, I have a problem with the job status that is not updated! It can be flagged as "waiting" and never run, or, even worst, stay flagged as "running". When I check the logs I can see that the job has finished normally [1]. As the step is not flagged as "done" I cannot go further with my workflow. Any help would be welcomed! Thanks for your great work with Galaxy! Best regards, Tanguy LE CARROUR [1] Galaxy logs sample: galaxy.jobs DEBUG 2010-08-25 11:59:45,727 dispatching job 8 to sge runner galaxy.jobs.runners.sge DEBUG 2010-08-25 11:59:47,935 (8) submitting file /srv/GT/www/htdocs/Galaxy/new_galaxy/database/pbs/galaxy_8.sh galaxy.jobs.runners.sge DEBUG 2010-08-25 11:59:47,936 (8) command is: python /srv/GT/www/htdocs/Galaxy/new_galaxy/tools/samtools/sam_to_bam.py --input1=/srv/GT/www/htdocs/Galaxy/new_galaxy/database/files/000/dataset_9.dat --dbkey=hg19 --ref_file="None" --output1=/srv/GT/www/htdocs/Galaxy/new_galaxy/database/files/000/dataset_10.dat --index_dir=/srv/GT/www/htdocs/Galaxy/new_galaxy/tool-data galaxy.jobs.runners.sge DEBUG 2010-08-25 11:59:47,941 (8) queued in ims.q queue as 202466 galaxy.jobs.runners.sge DEBUG 2010-08-25 11:59:48,590 (8/202466) state change: job is queued and waiting to be scheduled galaxy.jobs.runners.sge DEBUG 2010-08-25 11:59:54,594 (8/202466) state change: job is running galaxy.jobs.runners.sge DEBUG 2010-08-25 12:02:58,979 (8/202466) state change: process status cannot be determined galaxy.jobs.runners.sge DEBUG 2010-08-25 12:02:59,979 (8/202466) state change: job finished normally -- Tanguy LE CARROUR Functional Genomics Center Zurich ETH Zurich / University of Zurich Winterthurerstrasse 190 8057 Zurich Switzerland