I am trying to use IGV on local Galaxy to view BED and other kinds of files.
I added the xml file and made changes in the datatypes_conf.xml file too but the error says:
Unable to parse header with error: File not found:..for input source..
The same file works for IGB though.
Please suggest the correct settings for this case.
Best regards,
Ann Black-Ziegelbein annblack at eng.uiowa.edu
Mar 15 23:42:32 EDT 2012
Hello -
I am wanting to be able to display bed files from Galaxy in IGV. I have
created a bed.xml display application description, and edited the
datatypes_conf.xml to enable the igv display of datasets of bed format.
However, when I select the link in Galaxy to "Display with IGV local" I
get the following error message in Galaxy:
You must import this dataset into your current history before you can
view it at the desired display application.
I am attaching my bed.xml file I created based off of existing IGV
display types. I was hoping someone either has a working display
descriptors for bed files for IGV, or might know what my error is.
Thanks much,
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