Dear list, I have recently finished to set local installations of both Galaxy and UCSC servers. Because of the required set-up, access to these is password protected. Galaxy uses the Apache authentication system (as by instructions in galaxy pages) and the username:password combos are the same used by our local UCSC server. Now, whenever I try to export tables to Galaxy from the UCSC hgTables tool, I get the following error on Galaxy: "Dataset generation errors Dataset 33: UCSC Main on Mouse: Rbbp5_Ang2011 (genome) Tool execution generated the following error message: The remote data source application may be off line, please try again later. Error: EOF when reading a line The tool produced the following additional output: Enter username for UCSC-Galaxy at ucsc.cbs.dtu.dk" Similarly, if I try to use UCSC to visualise a track I just created on Galaxy, no track will appear on UCSC I will get this error "Expected 200 http://galaxy.cbs.dtu.dk/display_application/48916fac0de9a85d/ucsc_bigwig/ma...: 401 Authorization Required" Did anyone have this issue? How can I solve this? Thanks a lot, Fred -- Federico De Masi, PhD, Assistant Professor The Technical University of Denmark - DTU Center for Biological Sequence Analysis - CBS Kemitorvet 208/002 DK-2800 KGS. LYNGBY, DENMARK Telephone: (+45) 45 25 24 21 Fax: (+45) 45 93 15 85 http://rg.cbs.dtu.dk