Hello all,

I've mentioned before that a forthcoming update to the BLAST+
Galaxy wrappers would be adding a most customisable output
option with pick-your-own columns. This is available to test now
from the Test Tool Shed, along with other enhancements like
more masking tools and an update to BLAST+ 2.2.29:


(This will be released as the ncbi_blast_plus wrappers v0.1.0,
and includes recent contributions from Jim Johnson and
Björn Grüning - thank you both):

Previously (for tabular output) we've only offered the standard
12 column output (-outfmt 6), and an extended set which has
grown to currently include 25 columns.

The new custom column mode offers the 12 standard columns,
and the extended set (making 25 columns), plus other (to me
less interesting) identifiers, some other miscellaneous
columns, and the taxonomy columns (44 columns in all):

Inline image 1
Inline image 2

As previously discussed, the list of columns has been grouped
- the first two groups reflect the standard 12 columns and the
columns used in Galaxy's (default) 25 column extended tabular

The remaining columns I have split into three groups (assorted
identifiers, miscellaneous, and taxonomy) which I hope is self

Note that this does not allow you pick the column order - they
will be produced in the order shown. The underlying BLAST+
tools would support this, but the Galaxy GUI would I feel be
too complicated.

Some community testing/comments would be appreciated.

