Hi Enis, 

Thank you for the information! I saw many GalaxyIndicesFS are accumulated on my account and cleaned up. 

Later I tried to launch cloudman ami, a different message I saw in paster.log:

    18:35:32 - Master starting
    18:35:33 - Successfully retrieved root user's public key from file.
    18:35:34 - Trouble getting volume reference for volume vol-f9c4728e: EC2ResponseError: 400 Bad Request InvalidVolume.NotFoundThe volume 'vol-f9c4728e' does not exist.c69dcb4e-f924-4cbc-9c35-ef630bd18ff2
    18:35:34 - Attempting to connect to a non-existent volume vol-f9c4728e
    18:35:34 - Error processing filesystems in existing cluster configuration: 'NoneType' object has no attribute '__getitem__'
    18:35:34 - ***** Manager failed to start *****
    18:37:14 - Initializing 'Galaxy' cluster type. Please wait...

The "vol-f9c4728e" name I can see from the instance (ssh to the instance) is encoded in /mnt/cm/pd.yaml file. 
In my account I have seen the new volumes are created after launching the cloudman they are having different id's: 
vol-06992971 cm-3102c4d1aa831d8da4e99f3c9896390c GalaxyTools 
vol-05992972 cm-3102c4d1aa831d8da4e99f3c9896390c GalaxyIndices 

The df:
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/xvda1      7.9G  5.2G  2.3G  70% /
udev            3.7G  8.0K  3.7G   1% /dev
tmpfs           1.5G  228K  1.5G   1% /run
none            5.0M     0  5.0M   0% /run/lock
none            3.7G     0  3.7G   0% /run/shm
cgroup          3.7G     0  3.7G   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/xvdb       414G  203M  393G   1% /mnt

I think I have to manually mount the new volumes to the instance then edit the configuration and restart the cludman ?

or are you seeing something wrong from my side. 

Thanks in advance, 

Hi Vipin, 
It seems there are too many volumes (or too much volume storage) in your AWS account and AWS is preventing any more from being created. You can either delete some volumes if you don't need them or send a request to AWS to increase your volume limit: https://aws.amazon.com/contact-us/ebs_volume_limit_request/


On Mon, Oct 14, 2013 at 10:06 PM, Vipin TS <vipin.ts@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi dev-team, 

I am trying to launch cloudman on AWS us-east-1a and I am getting the message
  All cluster services started; the cluster is ready for use. (2013-10-14 19:45:52)

I am seeing some error message in the log. 
    19:05:33 - Master starting
    19:05:35 - Could not find service class matching userData service entry: PSS
    19:05:35 - Completed the initial cluster startup process. This is a new cluster; waiting to configure the type.
    19:06:11 - Migration service prerequisites OK; starting the service
    19:06:11 - SGE service prerequisites OK; starting the service
    19:06:26 - Setting up SGE...
    19:06:40 - HTCondor service prerequisites OK; starting the service
    19:06:48 - Hadoop service prerequisites OK; starting the service
    19:07:04 - Done adding Hadoop service; service running.
    19:08:13 - Initializing 'Galaxy' cluster type. Please wait...
    19:08:14 - Error creating volume: EC2ResponseError: 400 Bad Request VolumeLimitExceededMaximum number of active volumes bytes, 20, exceeded.66659429-b0dd-4f88-b763-36fd9232d3c4
    19:08:17 - Adding volume vol-f9c4728e (FS object for galaxy)...
    19:08:42 - Successfully grew file system FS object for galaxy
    19:08:42 - Successfully mounted file system /mnt/galaxy from /dev/xvdf

It seems that the galaxyIndices filesytem is not mounted to the instance. Also I am not able to start the postgres or Galaxy service through cloudman interface, both says that Cannot find the service. 

Please find the attached image. I think I am missing the galaxyIndices volume from the image,. any idea about the failure to launch the instance. 


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