Hi everyone,

I have a problem about configuring Proftpd and Mysql with galaxy, i have followed the steps from the galaxy wiki about ftp. I have created a database 'galaxy' and a user mmonsoor which has all the rights on the database. I think that the reason is about the proftpd.conf, below is a copy of my proftpd.conf:

# This is a basic ProFTPD configuration file (rename it to
# 'proftpd.conf' for actual use.  It establishes a single server
# and a single anonymous login.  It assumes that you have a user/group
# "nobody" and "ftp" for normal operation and anon.

ServerName            "Galaxy Server"
ServerType            standalone
DefaultServer            on

# Port 21 is the standard FTP port.
Port                21

# Don't use IPv6 support by default.
UseIPv6                off

# Umask 022 is a good standard umask to prevent new dirs and files
# from being group and world writable.
Umask                077

SyslogFacility                  DAEMON
SyslogLevel                     debug

# To prevent DoS attacks, set the maximum number of child processes
# to 30.  If you need to allow more than 30 concurrent connections
# at once, simply increase this value.  Note that this ONLY works
# in standalone mode, in inetd mode you should use an inetd server
# that allows you to limit maximum number of processes per service
# (such as xinetd).
MaxInstances            30

# Set the user and group under which the server will run.
User                nobody
Group                nogroup

PassivePorts                    30000 40000

# To cause every FTP user to be "jailed" (chrooted) into their home
# directory, uncomment this line.
DefaultRoot ~

# Automatically create home directory if it doesn't exist
CreateHome                      on dirmode 700

# Allow users to overwrite their files
AllowOverwrite                  on

# Allow users to resume interrupted uploads
AllowStoreRestart               on

# Normally, we want files to be overwriteable.
AllowOverwrite        on

# Bar use of SITE CHMOD by default

# Bar use of RETR (download) since this is not a public file drop
<Limit RETR>

# A basic anonymous configuration, no upload directories.  If you do not
# want anonymous users, simply delete this entire <Anonymous> section.
<Anonymous ~ftp>
  User                ftp
  Group                ftp

  # We want clients to be able to login with "anonymous" as well as "ftp"
  UserAlias            anonymous ftp

  # Limit the maximum number of anonymous logins
  MaxClients            10

  # We want 'welcome.msg' displayed at login, and '.message' displayed
  # in each newly chdired directory.
  DisplayLogin            welcome.msg
  DisplayChdir            .message

  # Limit WRITE everywhere in the anonymous chroot
  <Limit WRITE>

# Do not authenticate against real (system) users
#AuthPAM                         off

# Set up mod_sql_password - Galaxy passwords are stored as hex-encoded SHA1
SQLPasswordEngine               on
SQLPasswordEncoding             hex

# Set up mod_sql to authenticate against the Galaxy database
SQLEngine                          on
SQLBackend                        sql
SQLConnectInfo                  galaxy@localhost mmonsoor MyPassword
SQLAuthTypes                    SHA1
SQLAuthenticate                 users

# An empty directory in case chroot fails
SQLDefaultHomedir               /var/opt/local/proftpd

# Define a custom query for lookup that returns a passwd-like entry.  UID and GID should match your Galaxy user.
SQLUserInfo                     custom:/LookupGalaxyUser
SQLNamedQuery                   LookupGalaxyUser SELECT "email,password,'512','512','/home/mmonsoor/galaxy-dist/database/files/%U','/bin/bash' FROM galaxy_user WHERE email='%U'"

I don't know what is wrong about my proftpd.conf?

Thanks in advance to all.
