Hi all, I was wondering if the web interface for the Tool Shed could allow us to look back at old test results? This would be useful in connection with explicit revisions to the tool concerned, but also when something changed which was external to the tool (e.g. a change in Galaxy itself, or the system running the tests, e.g. a library version change). Right now I'm wondering what happened to this tool, which from memory was working, but which failed last night following me updating it yesterday: http://testtoolshed.g2.bx.psu.edu/view/peterjc/clinod Previously this was installing correctly (and I remember debugging the tests themselves due to the number of threads available), but now I seem to have a failed installation: Tests that failed Tool id: clinod Tool version: clinod Test: test_tool_000000 (functional.test_toolbox.TestForTool_testtoolshed.g2.bx.psu.edu/repos/peterjc/clinod/clinod/0.0.5) Stderr: Fatal error: Exit code 1 () Error: Unable to access jarfile /ToolDependencies/clinod/1.3/peterjc/clinod/1d09534d6dcd/clinod-1.3.jar Traceback: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/var/opt/buildslaves/buildslave-ec2-1/buildbot-install-test-test-tool-shed-py27/build/test/functional/test_toolbox.py", line 171, in test_tool self.do_it( td, shed_tool_id=shed_tool_id ) File "/var/opt/buildslaves/buildslave-ec2-1/buildbot-install-test-test-tool-shed-py27/build/test/functional/test_toolbox.py", line 102, in do_it self.verify_dataset_correctness( outfile, hid=elem_hid, maxseconds=testdef.maxseconds, attributes=attributes, shed_tool_id=shed_tool_id ) File "/var/opt/buildslaves/buildslave-ec2-1/buildbot-install-test-test-tool-shed-py27/build/test/base/twilltestcase.py", line 782, in verify_dataset_correctness self._assert_dataset_state( elem, 'ok' ) File "/var/opt/buildslaves/buildslave-ec2-1/buildbot-install-test-test-tool-shed-py27/build/test/base/twilltestcase.py", line 606, in _assert_dataset_state raise AssertionError( errmsg ) AssertionError: Expecting dataset state 'ok', but state is 'error'. Dataset blurb: error Regards, Peter