
That sort of sharing only works within a single galaxy instance; users are not shared between different galaxies.  To copy an entire history from one instance to another you will want to use the history export/import functionality.  History context menu -> Export to file on the source instance, and Import from file on the destination.


On Tue, Nov 19, 2013 at 11:20 AM, Manisha Sapre <msapre@nmdp.org> wrote:
Hello Team Galaxy 

trying to share/ forward dataset history from user 1 ( running on a local instance,Scrn.1) to user 2 (running on cloud amazon ec2 instance,Scrn.2) and vice-versa, error:- user is not a valid galaxy user. getting this error while both the users are logged into system and both the instance's are running normal.

insights of team will be very helpful.
