Hi Galaxy team, I have a Galaxy server sharing a folder with a cluster through sshfs. The Galaxy folder is cloned on the cluster : /home/galaxy-user/galaxy. On the server, I have the same directory but empty : /home/galaxy-user/galaxy. On the server side, I use the following mounting command: sshfs -o cache=no galaxy-user@clusterfr:galaxy galaxy When I run galaxy (sh ./run.sh from galaxy-user in the VM), everything seems to go well but in fact, the _conda directory doesn’t contain any binary. It only contains the pkg folder. The log message I get is “cannot install conda because conda_prefix /home/galaxy-user/galaxy/database/dependencies/_conda exists and is not empty”. In the UI, if I try to install a tool with dependencies from the toolshed, I get the same log message. I’ve also tried sshfs -o cache=no,idmap=user,allow_other. But then, I cannot launch Galaxy. I have an arror (add error message). Any clue on how to make conda work with this infrastructure? Thanks in advance Estelle