Hello all, GMOD will once again have a strong presence at the Plant and Animal Genome Conference (PAG 2010), being held January 9-13 in San Diego. There will be over 45 talks, workshops, demonstrations and posters about GMOD Components and projects that use them. This includes a workshop on Galaxy: Animal Genomics With Galaxy: Analyze, Publish, And Visualize Saturday, Jan 9, 1:30-2-30, California Room Anton will be presenting the workshop. See the PAG 2010 page on the GMOD wiki for a full listing and a flier showing highlights: http://gmod.org/wiki/PAG_2010 If you are attending PAG, please consider going to this and the other GMOD-related presentations. Thanks, Dave C. -- Please keep responses on the list! http://gmod.org/wiki/January_2010_GMOD_Meeting http://gmod.org/wiki/GMOD_News Was this helpful? http://gmod.org/wiki/Help_Desk_Feedback