Dear developers, my Galaxy instance runs jobs under real users (DRMAA) and is going well with small problem. external_chown script does not change owner for files specified in inputs with .files_path suffix (i.e. directory for multiple output files; see https://wiki.galaxyproject.org/Admin/Tools/Multiple%20Output%20Files). After the end of job, whole job_working_directory/000/NO is properly re-owned to galaxy user, but files/000/dataset_NO.files remained owned by real user and are not accessible for galaxy user. Can you help me with this problem or give me any advise? I guess it will be something in lib/galaxy/jobs/__init__.py where re-owning is triggered. My galaxy instance was updated Apr 17 2014. All the best, Pavel -- ===*** Pavel Fibich pavel.fibich@prf.jcu.cz ++420-38-777-2374 Botany, Faculty of Science, University of South Bohemia Na Zlate stoce 1, 370 05 Ceske Budejovice, Czech republic ***===