On Sat, Dec 31, 2011 at 11:43 PM, Thon deBoer <
thondeboer@me.com> wrote:
I digged some more and I guess I could use the rename dataset option in a
workflow, but I can't find how I can rename a dataset using the original
input name.
I tried to use the same notation as those used in the tools (such as
${input.name}) but that just treats the input.name as a user provided
parameter, which is NOT my intention.
Is there any way I can rename a dataset using information from the orginal
input dataset name? It seems a trivially obvious thing to be able to do, but
I can't figure it out...Hopefully this is just an oversight on my part!
From memory, if the input file parameter is called foo, you can
use ${foo.name}, and there is also something called $on_string
used in an example here: