I have a Galaxy tool we use to send files to another website - I used "data_destination/epigraph.xml" as a template. In this case, the other website is our own web-based database system. Everything is on our own internal network. This was working fine until I recently did a major Galaxy update. We were running a large production pipeline, and intentionally did not upgrade Galaxy for over a year.
The problem seems to be when the outside system uses the "DATA_URL" parameter to get the file from Galaxy. Instead of getting the data file, Galaxy returns a HTML file (which seems to be the index page of Galaxy itself). I did a couple tests, and realized that this behavior changes depending on the client using the "DATA_URL". It works in a browser, but fails in other cases:
1) If I take the "DATA_URL", and paste it directly into a browser address bar (Firefox), it works properly. I get the data file I'm supposed to get.
2) In the case of my outside database system, it uses PHP's "copy" function. What gets copied is the incorrect HTML file.
3) I tried using "wget" with the "DATA_URL", and it also gets the same incorrect HTML file. You can see in the wget output that it receives a redirect - the redirected URL turns out to the be galaxy homepage.
So maybe PHP's copy function and wget are both getting redirected, but Firefox is not...? I'll attach the wget output, as well as the incorrect HTML file I'm getting from Galaxy.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Chris Zaleski