On Sun, Nov 17, 2013 at 8:30 AM, John Chilton wrote:
On Thu, Apr 25, 2013 at 9:36 AM, Peter Cock wrote:
As noted in my last email, for some reason when running the test case, the input FASTA file is being included on the command line TWICE. Curiously the -hash_index argument has been omitted. Linked maybe?
I have fixed the double listing of the FASTA file. Putting min=1 on a repeat statement would result in two repeat instances when using functional tests without this bug fix.
Thank you - such a little thing once you'd traced its cause.
It is likely also the problem with your mira tests?
This should help for the MIRA4 tests too :)
The hash_index missing was caused because to the param value you put in the test tag should be true or false, not the truevalue/falsevalue attributes as far as I can tell - those are used only by cheetah I guess. Adding the hash_index parameter creates and additional 5 files - including ones you listed in your test case.
I think I tried that too (true/false), but it was a while ago now. Hitting multiple test framework issues at the same time made debugging this hard.
With these change, I was able to write working functional tests for your tool using the template you outlined in the Trello card. The .pin file doesn't match, I think there is something time-based in there so I had to set two lines of diff.
Yes, I agree the PIN file varies run to run, so the diff trick looks good.
Also, since this e-mail, you now have two parameters named file, that doesn't go over well yet - so I renamed mask|file to mask|mask_file.
The makeblastdb wrapper on the main Tool Shed don't yet have the masking file parameter, but does already on the Test Tool Shed - so I'd prefer not to change this: http://toolshed.g2.bx.psu.edu/view/devteam/ncbi_blast_plus http://testtoolshed.g2.bx.psu.edu/view/devteam/ncbi_blast_plus In principle the pipe-based fully specified parameter name would work here too, to resolve the potential ambiguity? (That is a separate Trello Card for handling potentially ambiguous parameters in the test framework): https://trello.com/c/zSTrfDOB/820-disambiguated-conditional-parameters-not-s...
These changes should work right out of central, does not utilize my API driven variant on github.
I discovered no problems with auto_primary versus basic composite types here, just the things listed above.
Not for me though, even if I rename the masking "file" param to avoid the ambiguous "file" parameters, commits here: https://github.com/peterjc/galaxy_blast/commit/2043cc813c2e138d93f8a940ea711... https://github.com/peterjc/galaxy_blast/commit/f4f74cd065921b069499a5fcc4209... and continuing on this branch: https://github.com/peterjc/galaxy_blast/tree/test_makeblastdb https://github.com/peterjc/galaxy_blast/commit/e828543539ab0a0ca8f8b16dbdce1... That gave: $ ./run_functional_tests.sh -id ncbi_makeblastdb ... galaxy.jobs.runners.local DEBUG 2013-11-18 11:25:38,449 execution finished: export GALAXY_SLOTS="1"; makeblastdb -version &> /tmp/tmpF81TF5/tmpghF4ik/new_files_path_lVhJ4E/GALAXY_VERSION_STRING_2; makeblastdb -out "/tmp/tmpF81TF5/tmpghF4ik/database/files/000/dataset_2_files/blastdb" -hash_index -in " /tmp/tmpF81TF5/tmpghF4ik/database/files/000/dataset_1.dat /tmp/tmpF81TF5/tmpghF4ik/database/files/000/dataset_1.dat " -title "Just 4 human proteins" -dbtype prot ... Composite file (blastdb.phr) of History item 2 different than expected, difference (using diff): Binary data detected, not displaying diff ... FAILED (failures=1) ... I find that changing the order of the <extra_files> tags in the test seems to alter the failure - which supports my hunch that something is scrambling the order of the extra files, so that it fails to compare the generated blastdb.phr with the provided four_human_proteins.fasta.phd e.g. Here it seems to compare to the (place holder) text I generate when viewing a database in the Galaxy interface: https://github.com/peterjc/galaxy_blast/commit/e828543539ab0a0ca8f8b16dbdce1... $ ./run_functional_tests.sh -id ncbi_makeblastdb ... galaxy.jobs.runners.local DEBUG 2013-11-18 12:23:24,812 execution finished: export GALAXY_SLOTS="1"; python /mnt/galaxy/galaxy-central/tools/data_source/upload.py /mnt/galaxy/galaxy-central /tmp/tmph0YlBO/tmpRK7bhO/new_files_path_0SO6J0/tmpkPWlQd /tmp/tmph0YlBO/tmpRK7bhO/new_files_path_0SO6J0/tmpr_xBCK 1:/tmp/tmph0YlBO/tmpRK7bhO/job_working_directory_Qh_YcY/000/1/dataset_1_files:/tmp/tmph0YlBO/tmpRK7bhO/database/files/000/dataset_1.dat ... Composite file (blastdb.phd) of History item 2 different than expected, difference (using diff): --- local_file +++ history_data @@ -1,4 +1,1 @@ -11117184492 -29249033410 -36665887501 -5392473183 +This is a BLAST protein database. ... FAILED (failures=1) ... If it works for you then perhaps the filesystem is a factor, e.g. os.listdir(...) order? I have had an initial look at the code in test/base/twilltestcase.py but haven't spotted a problem yet. Thank you John, Peter