IWSG-Life 2012 (4th International Workshop on Science Gateways for Life Sciences)
Workshop Website:
Date: 23-25 May 2012
Place: Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Important dates:
The deadline for paper/abstract submission: 16 January 2012
Notification of acceptance: 14 February 2012
Submission of camera ready papers: 19 March 2012
The workshop will take place in conjunction with the Healthgrid Conference 2012
and featuring EGI.eu.
IWSG-Life'12 will bring together scientists from the field of life sciences, bioinformatics and computer science. The aim is to exchange experience, formulate ideas and introduce up-to-date technological advances in molecular and systems biology in the context of Science Gateways.
We invite the submission of papers related to various aspects of molecular and systems biology and Science Gateways/Portals. Suggested topics include, but are not limited to:
* Management of biological high-throughput data
* Modeling protein-carbohydrate recognition
* Machine learning for computational immunomics
* Molecular simulations for drug discovery
* Portal technology and portal construction methods
* Usage models and gateway tools for life sciences
* Security aspects of Science Gateways for life sciences
* Usability studies of life sciences portals/gateways
* Workflows and service composition for life sciences
* Service discovery and ontologies for life sciences
* Tools for managing grid and cloud portability
* Integration of life sciences with e-infrastructures
* Demonstrations/ success stories
Call for papers
There are three alternatives for researchers to present their work: talks, lightning talks, and demonstration sessions. Submission of a full paper may result in a talk, submission of an abstract may result in an lightning talk or a demonstration.
Accepted full papers will be published in PubMed-listed proceedings together with the proceedings of the Healthgrid Conference 2012.
Full papers
All full papers will be double-blind peer reviewed and evaluated on quality and relevance. All submissions are held in confidentiality prior to publication in the proceedings. Presenters will be given a 20-minute time slot (plus 5 minutes for questions) to provide a summary and update to their work.
Papers will be accepted electronically in PDF format only and are to be submitted through our EasyChair conference site at
https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=hgiwsg2012. They have to be formatted according to the layout style required by the IOSPress. Formatting requirements can be found at:
http://www.iospress.nl/authco/instruction_crc.html. The paper length must not exceed ten pages and the papers must be written in clear and readable English. Every accepted submission must register and pay for at least one person. We expect one of the authors to attend the workshop and present the work.
Abstracts can be submitted for the lightning talk or for the demonstration sessions. Authors must indicate clearly which presentation format they are aiming for. All abstracts will be double-blind peer reviewed and evaluated on quality and relevance. Accepted lightning talk submissions will be given a 10-minute time slot (plus 5 minutes for questions) in an lightning talk session.
Accepted demonstration submissions will be given a 10-minute time slot (plus 5 minutes for questions) in a demonstration session. Demonstrations will be given live to the workshop audience.
Abstracts will be accepted electronically in PDF format only and are to be submitted through our EasyChair conference site at
https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=hgiwsg2012. The abstract length must not exceed 200 words and the abstracts must be written in clear and readably English. Every accepted submission must register and pay for at least one person. We expect one of the authors to attend the workshop and present the work.