Hi James,

In your universe-wsgi.ini file you specify the actual list of admin users, not a file containing the users:

# Administrative users - set this to a comma-separated list of valid Galaxy
# users (email addresses).  These users will have access to the Admin section
# of the server, and will have access to create users, groups, roles,
# libraries, and more.  For more information, see:
# http://wiki.g2.bx.psu.edu/Admin/Interface
admin_users = sfk2001@gmail.com

Thanks for using Galaxy,


On Dec 12, 2011, at 10:39 PM, James Boocock wrote:


I have setup a galaxy production server and created a admins.txt file with comma separated account names. When running galaxy and logged into one of the activated accounts I cannot view the interface.

Configs Listed Below

Cheers James.

#Config File

file:universe config

Config line related to the admins folder.

admin_users = /home/galaxy/galaxy-dist/tools/SOER1000genes/galaxy/admins.txt



#file contents#

When I Log in to the account above in galaxy I cannot view the admin interface.

I am confused as to what I have done wrong or possibly stupid.

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