Hello, First..I love the Galaxy Reports tool...thanks so much for this. I did however come across an error when trying to few the Registered Users per month link. It would be really nice to have this working :) Thanks in advance, Liisa URL: http://domain:9001/users/registered_users_per_month Module paste.exceptions.errormiddleware:144 in __call__
app_iter = self.application(environ, sr_checker) Module paste.debug.prints:106 in __call__ environ, self.app) Module paste.wsgilib:543 in intercept_output app_iter = application(environ, replacement_start_response) Module paste.lint:170 in lint_app iterator = application(environ, start_response_wrapper) Module paste.recursive:84 in __call__ return self.application(environ, start_response) Module paste.httpexceptions:633 in __call__ return self.application(environ, start_response) Module galaxy.web.framework.base:132 in __call__ return self.handle_request( environ, start_response ) Module galaxy.web.framework.base:190 in handle_request body = method( trans, **kwargs ) Module galaxy.webapps.reports.controllers.users:29 in registered_users_per_month for row in q.execute(): Module sqlalchemy.sql.expression:2841 in execute Module sqlalchemy.engine.base:2453 in _execute_clauseelement Module sqlalchemy.engine.base:1584 in _execute_clauseelement Module sqlalchemy.engine.base:1698 in _execute_context Module sqlalchemy.engine.base:1691 in _execute_context Module sqlalchemy.engine.default:331 in do_execute Module MySQLdb.cursors:173 in execute Module MySQLdb.connections:36 in defaulterrorhandler OperationalError: (OperationalError) (1305, 'FUNCTION galaxy_production.date_trunc does not exist') 'SELECT date_trunc(%s, date(galaxy_user.create_time)) AS date, count(galaxy_user.id) AS num_users \nFROM galaxy_user GROUP BY date_trunc(%s, date(galaxy_user.create_time)) ORDER BY date DESC' ('month', 'month')