Hi Greg, I am in the process of trying to develop a set of Galaxy wrappers for the tools in my bedtools suite. I have read the Toolshed wiki, but I am still struggling with some very basic questions that I hope you can help me with. 1. How should a tarball repository be structured for the toolshed? For example, bedtools currently includes a Makefile plus a src/ directory and sub-directories for each tool. The compiled objects go to obj/ and the binaries to bin/. By reading the wiki I gather that I also need to add a new directory that contains an XML wrapper for each tool. Is that correct? Is there a specific name for said directory that is expected by the Toolshed? 2. Do you have an example repository that has a similar structure to what is described in #1? This would be very helpful as a means to follow the lead of something that already works. I apologize if answers to these questions are made abundantly clear somewhere yet I have somehow missed it. Best, Aaron