Hi Nicola It happens with both versions available on the main toolshed. We originally had the package from bhaas, latest revision from 2012 and yesterday I installed the one from biomonika which requires package_trinityrnaseq_2013_08_14 (which in turn downloads a copy of trinity). Both have the same problem. Since a None value for the strand-spec. parameter means that the parameter is ignored (in the Cheetah code) I would think that the issue does not go down to the tool level (I can run Trinity on the command line just fine without specifying the strand-spec.) Thanks Christian On 08/05/15 17:51, Nicola Soranzo wrote: Hi Christian, was the trinityrnaseq tool installed from the Tool Shed? Which repository? Just to check this is not a tool problem. Cheers, Nicola Il 08.05.2015 10:44 Christian Schudoma (TSL) ha scritto: Hi all, I have encountered a problem when trying to run trinityrnaseq (Galaxy Tool Version 0.0.1) from Galaxy. Leaving the strand-specificity input parameter as "None" will prevent the form from being submitted. Instead, the strand-specificity input box will be highlighted in red and I'm asked to "Please verify this parameter." Before the last update we were running a very very old instance of Galaxy (I think the update before the last was in 2013) from which we could submit trinity-jobs just fine. I found a commit from Aysam from late 2014 which does something in the immediate vicinity of the "Please verify this parameter" - message. (https://bitbucket.org/galaxy/galaxy-central/commits/bda732e549b7/), which I am guessing could have something to do with it. Anyone got any ideas regarding this? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks Christian -- Dr. Christian Schudoma Bioinformatics Support Officer Bioinformatics Group The Sainsbury Laboratory Norwich Research Park Norwich NR4 7UH United Kingdom ****************************** +44 (0) 1603 450 601 christian.schudoma@tsl.ac.uk<mailto:christian.schudoma@tsl.ac.uk> twitter: @cpt_bwt Connetti gratis il mondo con la nuova indoona: hai la chat, le chiamate, le video chiamate e persino le chiamate di gruppo. E chiami gratis anche i numeri fissi e mobili nel mondo! Scarica subito l’app Vai su https://www.indoona.com/