Hi Greg,

Nevermind figured it out... filesystem permissions need to be set properly :) so that the galaxy user can access this folder structure, it just didn't throw an exception when it can't access the folder as it does for when an admin wants to upload a directory of files.

thanks for the help,

On Fri, Sep 23, 2011 at 2:36 PM, Leandro Hermida <softdev@leandrohermida.com> wrote:
Hello again,

I followed this procedure and when the non-admin user is logged in they see the data library and can "Add datasets" but on that form there is not drop-down menu option exists for "Upload a directory of files", why could this be?


On Thu, Sep 22, 2011 at 3:13 PM, Greg Von Kuster <greg@bx.psu.edu> wrote:
Hello Leandro,

When the user_library_import_dir is set in universe_wsgi.ini, it enables non-admin users to import a directory of files into a data library as long as there is a subdirectory named the same as the non-admin user's Galaxy account contained within the configured directory.  

For example, assume the following setting in universe_wsgi.ini:

user_library_import_dir = /Users/gvk/workspaces_2008/central_111008/test-data/users

points to a directroy that contains the following:

gvk:~/workspaces_2008/central_051111/test-data/users gvk$ ll
total 0
drwxr-xr-x     4 gvk  gvk    136 May  5 13:57 .
drwxr-xr-x  1090 gvk  gvk  37060 Sep  9 16:01 ..
drwxr-xr-x     3 gvk  gvk    102 May  5 13:57 test1@bx.psu.edu
drwxr-xr-x     3 gvk  gvk    102 May  5 13:57 test3@bx.psu.edu

Since non-admin users can only upload files to a data library if they have permission to do so, an admin user must set the LIBRARY_ADD permission on a data library in order for any non-admin users to be able to upload to it.  For example, assume the admin user gave the LIBRARY_ADD permission on the data library named Library1 to the user test1@bx.psu.edu as follows:

The, when the user test1@bx.psu.edu logged into Galaxy, and selected the "Data Libraries" option from the top Galaxy menu's "Shared Data" pop-up menu, they would see the list of data libraries to which they have access.

When they click on the data library, they'll see a button ;abel;ed "Add datasets" since they have been granted the LIBRARY_ADD permission on the data library.

Clicking the "Add datasets" button will display the "Upload file to a data library" page.  Since the configuration described above exists, they will have the option to "Upload a directory of files" by selecting that option from the "Upload option" select field.

On Sep 22, 2011, at 8:17 AM, Leandro Hermida wrote:

Hi all,

I've enabled the universe.wsgi feature user_library_import_dir feature
and made a sub-directory with my login and put some test files there.
I've also made myselfa  non-admin to test and after restart the Galaxy
server I see no where in the GUI where I can import data libraries??
Am I missing something?

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Greg Von Kuster
Galaxy Development Team