I'm new to Galaxy and have been tasked with learning how to admin it.
We are running commit 407da92f88ac859d3f9b259be83640516159fe15
I notice there is a screen called "Manage Jobs".
How to I re-order, re-prioritise or pause jobs in that list?
It seems to only have the options to stop (which I presume cannot be restarted because it's called stop not pause), and Job Lock, which I presume controls if users can or cannot submit jobs, rather than locking individual jobs.
Are my assumptions incorrect - is one of these options a "pause" option?
"The antidote to apocalypticism is
apocalyptic civics. Apocalyptic civics is the
insistence that we cannot ignore the truth, nor should we panic about
it. It is a shared consciousness that our institutions have failed and
our ecosystem is collapsing, yet we are still here — and we are creative
agents who can shape our destinies. Apocalyptic civics is the
conviction that the only way out is through, and the only way through is
together. "
Greg Bloom @greggish