import sys from types import * def opt_to_galaxy_param(opt, required, cmd_args, inputs, outputs): pname = opt._long_opts[0].replace('--','') name = pname.replace('-','_') opt_help = '' if != None: opt_help ='"',"'").replace('<','{').replace('>','}').replace('&','&') # if opt.default != None and isinstance(opt.default,StringType): if opt.default != None: opt_help = opt_help.replace('%default',str(opt.default)) is_bool_param = opt.type == None and (opt.action == 'store_true' or opt.action == 'store_false') if name.startswith('output_dir'): cmd_args.append(opt._long_opts[0] + '=$__new_file_path__') elif is_bool_param: cmd_args.append('$' + name) defval = 'true' if opt.default == 'True' else 'false' tval = fval = '' if opt.action == 'store_true': tval = opt._long_opts[0] else: fval = opt._long_opts[0] param = '' % (name, tval, fval, defval, pname, opt_help) inputs.append(param) elif name.startswith('output') or name.endswith('_outfile'): cmd_args.append(opt._long_opts[0] + '=$' + name) param = '' % pname outputs.append(param) else: cmd_args.append(opt._long_opts[0] + '=$' + name) if opt.type == 'choice': param = '\n ' % (name,pname,opt_help) popts = [] for choice in opt.choices: popts.append('' % (choice,' selected="true"' if choice == opt.default else '',choice)) param += '\n '.join(popts) param += '\n ' inputs.append(param) else: if name.endswith('file') or name.endswith('_fp') or name.find('fasta') >= 0 or name.find('map') >= 0 or name == 'qual': fmt = 'txt' if name.find('fasta') >= 0 or'fasta') >= 0: fmt = 'fasta' elif name.find('map') >= 0 or'map') >= 0: fmt = 'tabular' elif name.find('qual') >= 0: fmt = 'qual' param = '' % (name,fmt,pname,opt_help) inputs.append(param) else: defval = '' if opt.default != None: try: defval = 'value="%s"' % opt.default # problem when a tuple except: pass ptype = opt.type if opt.type == 'string': ptype = 'text' elif opt.type == 'int': ptype = 'integer' if defval == '': defval = 'value="-1"' elif opt.type == 'float': if opt.default == None: defval = 'value="0.0"' param = '' % (name,ptype,defval,pname,opt_help) inputs.append(param) tool_binary = '__TOOL_BINARY__' tool_id = tool_binary.replace('.py','') tool_config_path = tool_binary.replace('.py','.xml') tool_name = tool_id tool_version = script_info['version'] tool_description = script_info['brief_description'] tool_template = """\ _tool_description _tool_binary --galaxy_tmpdir='$__new_file_path__' _tool_binary _tool_args _tool_inputs _tool_outputs """ tool_args = [] tool_inputs = [] tool_outputs = [] for opt in script_info['required_options']: opt_to_galaxy_param(opt, True, tool_args, tool_inputs, tool_outputs) for opt in script_info['optional_options']: opt_to_galaxy_param(opt, False, tool_args, tool_inputs, tool_outputs) tool_config = tool_template tool_config = tool_config.replace("_tool_id",tool_id) tool_config = tool_config.replace("_tool_name",tool_name) tool_config = tool_config.replace("_tool_version",tool_version) tool_config = tool_config.replace("_tool_binary",tool_binary) tool_config = tool_config.replace("_tool_description",tool_description) tool_config = tool_config.replace("_tool_args",'\n '.join(tool_args)) tool_config = tool_config.replace("_tool_inputs",'\n '.join(tool_inputs)) tool_config = tool_config.replace("_tool_outputs",'\n '.join(tool_outputs)) fp = open( tool_config_path, 'wb' ) print >> fp, tool_config fp.close() quit()